Collect Contacts with a Form

You can use our Contact Form to add contacts to your list and update their information.

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How to add contacts to your list using a form

To get started, you'll need to create your form.

Creating a form

  1. Open the Main Menu
  2. Click Survey`
  3. Click the + icon to create a new project

  1. Select Survey
  2. Name your project
  3. Click Next
  4. Select a Group to import your contacts to
    The group you select should have the correct legal basis for processing your contacts data

  1. Click Continue
  2. Click Items in the left sidebar
  3. Scroll down to Contact Details
  4. Drag in the Contact Form

This will open a pop-up that asks you if you want the form data to be linked to your contact list:

  1. Click Add Contacts to My List

You'll now be able to view your form in the builder:

The icon on the right of the form fields denotes that is linked to one of our default contact fields.

Hover your mouse over this icon to view which contact field is currently linked:

Changing the custom field for forms

To switch what custom field each form field is linked to:

  1. Click the field
  2. Select the Settings icon from the formatting menu
  3. Open the Link to Contact Field dropdown
  4. Select an alternate field

You'll also want to change the corresponding form field text if you do switch the linked custom field.

You can do this by clicking the form field and editing the text.

If the email address already exists in your list, the contact information will not be added. If you want to update the information of an existing contact, please refer to the section below.

Updating contact information using a form

To update the information of a contact that's already stored in your list, you will need to distribute via our email system and enable tracking.

  1. Go to the Send section of your form
  2. Scroll to Send email invitations
  3. Select Send by email
  4. Fill out your Subject and Sender information
  5. Click the box next to Enable tracking
  6. Design your email
  7. Select contacts or groups to send to
  8. Schedule and send your form

When your existing contacts fill out this form, the information in their profiles will be updated.

Rules for adding contacts via a form

There are a few rules you'll want to keep in my mind when using forms to collect contact data.

Rule #1: You can only add one contact per form response.

This means, whilst you can add multiple forms to a survey, only one of these can be used to add contacts to your list.

Rule #2: If an email address already exists in your list, the contact will not be added.

We do not collect email addresses that are already stored in your list. You can update contact information using the method described in this document.

Rule # 3: Contact profiles will only be updated when tracking is enabled.

If you already have a contact stored, they will not be able to update their information when using the generic form link.

Rule #4: If no email address is collected, no contact information will be added.

Contact information can be updated without an email address, as tracking will have been used to identify the contact in your list.